Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Crack pipe in the road

I found a crack pipe Christmas morning. It was in an empty cigarette box sitting on the curb in front of my neighbors house. I was doing my routine neighborhood clean up - kicking cigarette butts under their car, picking up the trash they toss out the window into the bushes. I was a little surprised by my find. Perhaps I shouldn't have been, it goes a long way towards explaining their behaviour. (They hang out in their car ALL the time, watching videos on a lap top, smoking cigarettes and yelling at the kids for coming outside). I try to see the Divine in them, because I know IT's there, but they make it really hard.

I broke the pipe. Left it in the box and hit it with a rock. Maybe Santa brought them a new one - but I hope not. I've decided to take a trip to the police department tomorrow, let them know what I found. I went back and forth regarding that decision, but the bottom line is this: they have 4 kids - from new born to 6 years - and they need someone to look out for them. I take that on willingly - because there doesn't seem to be anyone else doing the job.

I'm thankful for my dog and the high fence that seperates me from my neighbor. It would be nice if it were different - but these days I strive to just accept what is - and BE with it. It's all good.

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